Academic Profile – CV
visual artist and lecturer/researcher
PhD – Doctoral Program In Film, Media And Contemporary Culture 2015-2018
Eötvös Loránd University (ELTE), Hungary
MA in Graphic Design (graphic communication, visual arts) 2018-2020
University of Hertfordshire, Interactive Design Institute, UK
MA in Film Studies 2015
Eötvös Loránd University (ELTE), Hungary
professional experience:
2018- specializing in analogue graphic and photographic printmaking techniques during postgraduate studies (monotype, collagraph, cyanotype, vandyke, lumen, chemigram printmaking)
2016- visual artist at Zentay Visual Art Studio (printmaking, graphic design, music visualization, intermedia art)
2015- External lecturer as PhD candidate
Institute for Art Theory and Media Studies (ELTE MMI)
Department of Film Studies, Eötvös Loránd University (Hungary)
2013- Research assistant, Researcher
Quantitative Historical Style Analysis Research, Dr. András Bálint Kovács DSc
Department of Film Studies, Eötvös Loránd University (ELTE, Hungary)
areas of teaching / courses taught:
stylistics of images and sounds, film/art history/theory
the history & theory of film sound, sound studies
quantitative style analysis, film research
research areas in the field of visual communication/art theory:
experimental and innovative forms of analogue graphic and alternative photographic printmaking
cultural and philosophical aspects of vulnerability and its presence in arts
research areas in the field of film studies:
unconventional sound-image relationships,
sound-image dissonance in film and intermedia art
sound studies, acousmatic sound
doctoral research topic:
Asynchronous Sound Phenomenon On The Border Of European Modernist And Postmodernist Cinema
Supervisor: Dr. András Bálint Kovács DSc
selected publications:
2017 András Bálint Kovács, Nóra Fanni Zentay: The Use of Quantitative methods
in the Humanities.
In: D.Cavallotti, S. Dotto, L. Quaresima (eds.): A History of Cinema Without Names /2:
Contexts and Practical Applications. Milano – Udine: Mimesis Edizioni, 2017, pp. 45-48.
2015 Zentay Nóra Fanni: A kép-hang aszinkronitás tendenciái a késő modernista filmben
In: Metropolis 19:(2) pp. 34-56. (2015)
(Tendencies of Image-Sound Asynchrony in Late Modernist Cinema)
2015 Zentay Nóra Fanni: A verbalitás hiánya és intenzív akusztikai élmény Sharunas Bartas filmjeiben.
In: Filmszem: 5:(3) pp. 16-25. (2015)
(Lack of verbality and immersive sound design in the films of Sharunas Bartas)
2015 Zentay Nóra Fanni: Diegetikus és non-diegetikus zene az európai filmekben.
In: Filmtett, online
(Diegetic and non-diegetic music in European cinema)
2012 Pentelényi László, Zentay Nóra Fanni (eds.): JLG/JLG. Jean-Luc Godard dicsérete,
avagy a filmművészet önfelszámolása. Budapest: Francia Új Hullám Kiadó, 2012.
(Title in english: JLG/JLG – The Praise of Jean- Luc Godard or the Self-Destruction of Film Art) ISBN:978-963-89122-3-7
2012 Zentay Nóra Fanni: Constantinus álma, Pilátus kutyája. Patti Smith Banga című albumáról.
In: Hutvágner Éva (ed.): Utazás. Budapest: PPKE BTK, 2015. pp. 121-124.
(The Dream of Constantinus. About Patti Smith’ Banga)